
Monday Apr 30, 2018
What The Hell Is Going On?
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
This one took forever. Don't know whether it was the topic or the timing, but I felt like i was looking for water in the middle of the ocean. It was everywhere and, frankly, overwhelming.
What the hell is going on? The expanding topic. Infopocalypse. Computer generated opinions.
Russian bots/trolls. M.I.T. study Twitterbots. Humans prefer the inaccurate.
Facebook problem. Algorithmic anomaly. Misinformation uptick featuring The Russians.
Make America hurt itself again. Internet Research Agency. Number One Tricky.
Tim and Mark are sorry. Cambridge Analytica. Three most influential fake stories.
Alex Jones and Sandy Hook. Destroy truth and rule by spectacle. Newspapers not Bots.
Facebook takes steps to reduce inaccuracy, it back fires.

Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Disappointed and Grateful
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
The dog's name is Max. He recently became a member of the clan. He is big, rambunctious and not very well trained.
I take some chances.
Say "hello", Max. The Elk Antler. Opening the package.
If I die, thanks for listening. Grateful and disappointed? You can break your teeth.
Didn't chew my face off. Coulda made podcast history.
When you reach a certain age. Dedicated to Trapper.

Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Foundscape #10- Escuche
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
This collage started out playful, but took a rather dark turn sonically. I just followed it. Featuring: Spanish records, steamboats, fruitflies, sirens, stools, snores, a door and more.
Listen carefully. Fruitfly drum. Donde esta Juanita?
Repeata. Cleaning out the van. Steamboat.
Ambulance passing. Digital glitch. The Stool.
The door.

Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Foundscape #9: I Gotta Rainbow
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Been collecting and mixing this stuff for months. Finally had time to put it all together.
You have messages. Get matter resolved. You're sick. Matter resolved.
Walk electric. We have thousands of dollars. I have rainbows.
Simple ideas. On other line. Andy New Port Richey.
What he left? Health problems. Ummmmm.
Heads up. I gotta rainbow. I'd like to know.
I've have an issue. Nope.
Running out of cool. Computer expired.
Can't stand.... Get my message?
Maximum storage time. Bye bye.

Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Goodbye Homo Economicus
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
Sunday Dec 31, 2017
This year, Richard Thaler won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. His research points to the fact that humans are economically irrational. Homo Economicus is a simplifying construct that has, for years, been the basis of economic theory. It assumes all economic actors are "rational" and only interested in maximizing personal utility. That is not true.
There's this guy... Richard Thaler wins Nobel. Francis Edgeworth.
Financial forecasters vs. weather forecasters. The Japanese Miracle.
Examples of irrationality. Rejecting Homo Economical Rationalism.
Bounded Rationality. Most cooperative species on Earth.
Empathy, sympathy dread. Paul Piff's Study (Ted Talk - 2014).
Science advances one funeral at a time. Goodbye Homo Economicus.

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Admittedly didactic and dark, this episode examines the ongoing attempts to dismantle signs of African-America success, thoughout American history. Next one will be lighter, it has to be.
GENTILE. Undoing Obama's actions. Dismantling African-Americam accomplishment.
Black Wall Street destroyed. Rosewood, Florida. Bad logic.
Good guy goes bad. Infidel Gun & Gear. Fortune Taylor's name restored.
Highways and stadiums displace communities. Baader Meinhof.
Renaming Denali. Unraveling progress. Outrage becomes disappointment.
Quote from Sam Rayburn. Repeal care, Die.
Sources: theroot.com, racewithhistory.org, richardwolff.org.

Friday Sep 22, 2017
Slapped By Irma
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
We thought Irma was going to hit us as a Category 4 turned out to be a weak 2. I had planned on this podcast being a little more exciting. However, I'm not complaining, really.
Emergency. What we're expecting. It's only stuff. Pasco alert: Fear of looting.
My cat Byron's is outside. Final boarding up. The morning after with Clay Pigeon on WFMU.
Tired and philosophical. Water is more important than electricity. Cicadas.
More storms on the horizon. Cleaning up.

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Charlottesville- A Turning Point?
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
The Right unites to fight to protect a statue of Robert E. Lee that he wouldn't have wanted. Antifascists use violence to resist those promoting violence. Sure punching Nazis seems like fun, it is not very creative. Absurdism and satire may be a better approach.
Robert E. Lee on Civil War monuments. Trump and the White-Nationalist code.
Sean Patrick Nielsen (WVTF/Radio IQ). David Duke, Ronald Reagan.
Blood and soil. No Nazis. False equivalency. We are Alt-Right.
Justice delivered. Unite us. They hate dishonest people. I hit them.
Jews will not replace us. HATE. Hatred and violence has America.
Killing Jews. Donald Trump is evil. Condemn Obama. Anarchists.
Honest media. Antifa. Punching Nazis = fun not creative.
Thanks to WTVF/Radio IQ, PBS Newshour, MSNBC, Brennan Gilmore (filmed car attack).

Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
The Firing of History
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
It is disturbing to feel the pull of the impending political crisis on one’s attention. Every attempt to turn one's attention away for any length of time fails. It seems like we’ve entered a transitional time and the outcome(s) could be dire. Looking away feels like complicity.
Russian interference: not just smoke. Comey's firing. Putin’s disinformation technique.
Trump and Russians. Trump’s attraction to powerful men. The Big Story.
Russian relations. No Fuzz. They’re laughing at us. Punch ladies in the face.
Firing history. Russians very powerful. Am I stupid? New FBI director.
Never stop fighting. American anger. Wreak the world.
Russian uniform. Illegal. Look at how I give up. Bad situation.
Pence really bad. Give up.
Sources: Late Show with David Letterman (NBC), Executive Session (WMNF-88.5 Tampa),
CBS News, Lester Holt NBCNews, On Point
with Tom Ashbrook (NPR), The Minutemen-Paranoid Chant.

Monday May 15, 2017
Serious Charges
Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
Foundscape #8. IRS Scammers, wrong numbers, marketers, soundboard girls and confused women provided the grist for the Foundscape mill.
Get arrested on serious charges. Call from Mom: my bowels. I'm not sorry.
Don't be a statistic. Don't get arrested. Press 9.
Siri: the Third Density. I am a real live person. Hang up.