
Wednesday Sep 24, 2014
Duke of Bores
Wednesday Sep 24, 2014
Wednesday Sep 24, 2014
This was a fun one. Cory claims to have poured beer on Todd Rungrend, Mike's movies go south, but his work situation is improving slightly. We discuss Satryicon, thieving friends, Fredericks' shelf, Doukhobors and much, much more.
Utopia = Cory and Todd, Talking behind Kormodd’s back,
Fish in the rain-barrel, Satyricon, N.Y.U., P.C. Mike’s crime report,
Thieving friends, The end of the world, Dougald’s coming to Florida,
Tech problems disrupt Massa’s movie, Mike is an outsider in Bayonne,
Massa’s stories include profanity and “The Moush” which leads us into a discussion of bullshit artists and breaking donkey ribs,
Fredericks’ shelf, Mike’s cousin looks miserable,
Airplanes> UFO talk, Canada has a long history of weirdness,
Doukhobors, Burning Man, Leapers, Gapers, Shakers, Quakers,
Snowden anti-government?, No scientific revolution in the East, Little Putin,
Mike misses his nap, then talks about bedbugs, Mike’s work situation is improving,
Tax advice, New Port Richey, Vermin Supreme,
Politics in Florida, Corporatism, Sarah, The future of Mike’s Skype Thing.

Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Loose Cannon
Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
A delightful chat abruptly ended by an undercharged recorder. Rich people are discussed-including Mike's Bill Gates connection-as are Spike, Stalin and Mike's manager. Mike asks a couple science questions that we try our best to answer. We also cover a bunch of other stuff.

Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Sounds Like Something's Going To Happen
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
In this episode, we spend a good deal of time talking about music and movies. That doesn't prevent us from also discussing Best Show calls, award shows and street sleepers. Mike teases us with Best Show secret projects. Fredericks offers relaxation techniques. Brian shares a disturbing tale involving a communication tech.
Yinka Adeshina for Governor 2014! Street sleepers. Another Best Show secret project. Best Show is returning soon.
Massa'a movie talk. Music talk includes Kinks vs. Stones. Award shows.
Germany is getting capitalism right. Magic Christian. P.C. Mike recounts a Best Show call.
Beatles talk. Hee Haw's surprising longevity. Brian's college disorientation. "He didn't flush!"

Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Stop Talking You're Boring
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
This is a long one, some people showed up late, and I didn't want to be rude by ending the show. Besides, Mike was fully engaged. Tons of topics are discussed. The events in Ferguson, Mo. are covered, as are, John Popper's taunting tweets The Best Show, Mike's work, movies, even Zach Galifianakis' Christmas party. It moves right along.

Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
August Breakdown
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Mike says he's taking August off. Then, he surprisingly sticks around for the whole show! He tells a great Massa story. We discuss a bunch of different topics including: movies, the Prohibition, Spike and the Grateful Dead.

Friday Aug 22, 2014
Socially Lubricated
Friday Aug 22, 2014
Friday Aug 22, 2014
This show flows atop a sea of alcohol. And while it gets loose, it never falls completely apart. Although A.P. Mike does get tossed overboard several times.

Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
That's Pretty Strange...Right?
Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
Wednesday Aug 06, 2014
Mike's computer is too dusted to Skype. So, we carry on without him. Topics include: possible crime, philosophy, movies, novelty songs and much much more.

Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
Recorded whilst a series of thunderstorms rolled through New Port Richey (you can hear it). A good deal of death talk (includes murder and suicide). Mike recounts work horror stories. Marc Maron reads Bukowski (haven't got permission, hope I don't get sued).

Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Press Three If You're Completely Terrified
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Jews for Jerry, Israel/Palestine (Scott's not going). Original American Art Forms. Artimus Pyle Is Far More Interesting Than Artemus Ward. The Who (Pino Pallidino), Iron Man Mike, Massa's Movie Talk, The Storm, Tom Scharpling Talk, Best Show Update, Irresponsible Dog Owner Owns Up, Wally Wackiman, Puppet Talk, Tony Stops By and Gets Confused, Dougald's Puppet Problems.

Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Tiptoeing Through a Mindfield of Insanity
Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Three plus hours of scintillating conversation mashed down to about forty minutes. Topics include: the Greeks, Hobby Lobby, the Grateful Dead and tormented sock puppets.